Mitigation Planning

Mitigation projects are designed to provide long-term, ecologically sustainable alternatives that offset potential or realized environmental impacts resulting from a proposed development or other activities.

Coastal Systems International, Inc. develops environmental monitoring and mitigation plans as part of the project planning and permitting process for coastal and marine projects. Mitigation is implemented to offset unavoidable impacts imposed by a project. Specifically, the plan documents the extent of sensitive marine and terrestrial life, as well as other resources such as water, in the vicinity of the proposed project; confirms minimization of impacts to natural resources; outlines mitigation for impacted resources; and presents an implementation and monitoring plan for the construction and mitigation activities.

A mitigation and monitoring plan is developed to compensate for direct, indirect, cumulative, and/or secondary project impacts to coastal environments. Included in the monitoring portion of the natural plan are performance criteria designed to measure success of the mitigation project.

Mitigation plans can be required by local, state, and/or federal agencies through the environmental permitting process. Potential impacts to protected species such as mangroves, manatees and seagrasses in Florida are addressed by multiple political and regulatory jurisdictions. Coastal Systems has comprehensive in-house capabilities that can be applied at every stage of the mitigation and monitoring process, from field surveys to planning, securement of multi-jurisdictional authorizations, implementation, and performance documentation for the plan.

Creating Environments

We constructed a complete offshore mooring system for Royal Caribbean in Labadee, Haiti.