The 315 South Gulfview Boulevard property is located in the City of Clearwater in Pinellas County, across from the newly designed pedestrian beachwalk and the Clean Beaches Council certified Blue Wave Beach. The project area consists of a proposed mixed-used parking garage and a portion of City-owned property.
Coastal Systems provided coastal engineering and environmental permitting services to secure a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) for the proposed project site. The CLOMR provided a preliminary change to the FEMA flood zone (from a VE zone to an AE zone) based upon incorporating the wave dissipating wall, as a viable dune is not present seaward of the project site.
As part of the CLOMR application process, Coastal Systems designed the wave dissipating wall, and provided engineering analyses and coastal numerical modeling services justifying the revision to the flood zone boundaries and designations. Construction plans were prepared for the 238 linear feet of wave dissipating wall, as well as construction administration services.
Once the wave dissipating wall was constructed, Coastal Systems began processing a FEMA Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). The LOMR, once approved, will formalize the FEMA flood zone (from a VE zone to an AE zone) changes. As part of the application process, Coastal Systems prepared a Wave Dissipating Wall Maintenance and Operations Plan outlining how the wall will be inspected and maintained over its life, as required by FEMA. The change in flood zone provided lower flood insurance premiums and desired design flexibility for ground floor retail space.
We constructed a complete offshore mooring system for Royal Caribbean in Labadee, Haiti.