Temenos Golf Resort, Anguilla
Temenos Anguilla is a resort development on Anguilla, which is the northernmost island of the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean. The development is located on the southern end of the island, and has luxury hotels, condominiums, villas and estate homes along with a world-class Greg Norman golf course managed by Troon Golf.
Coastal Systems conducted a site assessment and prepared a coastal engineering analysis to evaluate coastal processes to assist the site planning team with the proposed coastal development. A site-specific flood map was prepared for the site with associated design storm surges, wave runup and wave crest elevations. The storm surges were evaluated for a range of 50, 100 and 500-year return periods based on a statistical analysis of wave data. Recommendations for building floor finished grade elevations were provided, and wave force calculations prepared for pile-supported buildings.
A comprehensive coastal engineering report was prepared that included a summary of the coastal processes at the site along with the flood maps and hurricane-susceptibility analysis for the site.