Changes at the 32nd Street Breakwater
Miami-Dade County is located at the southeast terminus of
the Florida Peninsula. The County’s sandy beaches are
on the Atlantic Ocean side of several coastal barrier islands
that are separated from the mainland by Biscayne Bay. The
shoreline at the 32nd Street area in Miami Beach has historically
experienced severe erosion due to an exposed location and
abrupt change in the shoreline orientation. In July 2002 three
shore-attached breakwaters were constructed at the 32nd Street
Hot Spot to address the erosional problems in this area. The
breakwaters were constructed as a demonstration project with
the purpose of “stepping” the shoreline around
the abrupt change in shoreline orientation. In addition, the
project incorporated a unique approach to beach management
by filling the breakwaters with sand backpassed from the accretional
beach to the south to reduce downdrift effects.
The complex geometry of the breakwaters in conjunction with
the shoreline orientation requires a thorough monitoring program
to evaluate project performance. LIDAR high-density survey
data from May 2004 was utilized along with surveys from the
ongoing monitoring program of the breakwaters. This data was
compiled utilizing GIS spatial analysis tools for coastal
engineering evaluation and a detailed morphological study.
The construction of the breakwaters altered the general shoreline
orientation in the breakwater vicinity, which influenced the
sediment transport. The high density survey data allowed a
detailed study of the nearshore morphological changes including
the evaluation of shoreline impacts, updrift and downdrift
of the breakwaters.
The two years of monitoring data and the morphological study
will be utilized by the County to address long-range beach
and hot spot management as part of the county-wide regional
beach management program. The 32nd Street demonstration project
has overall performed satisfactorily based on the monitoring
surveys. The diminishing sources of offshore beach compatible
sand for beach nourishment make hot spot management an increasingly
important component of county-wide beach management
Miami-Dade County is located at the southeast terminus of
the Florida Peninsula, and is bordered to the north by Broward
County, to the south and west by Monroe and Collier Counties,
and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean (see Figure
1). Miami-Dade County’s sandy beaches are located
on the Atlantic Ocean side of several coastal barrier islands
that are separated from the mainland by Biscayne Bay. The
32nd Street Breakwaters are located on a 9-mile long barrier
island between Bakers Haulover Inlet and Government Cut with
elevations ranging from 5 to 10 feet above Mean Low Water.
Upland development along Miami Beach has occurred relatively
recently with major growth occurring in the 1930’s.
According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), seawalls
almost continually lined the shoreline with abutting groins
between Bakers Haulover Inlet and Government Cut measuring
approximately 49,000 linear feet. Of these seawalls, approximately
27,500 feet of seawall had little or no beach in front of
them. After World War II, many hotel owners on Miami Beach
obtained permits to construct new bulkheads 75 feet seaward
of the existing one, which, in most instances, were seaward
of the existing Mean High Water Line.
Given the need for hurricane protection and the demand for
beach area, a decision was made to nourish the beach and improve
the shoreline conditions. USACE initiated a beach erosion
study of the Dade County shoreline. The Miami-Dade County
Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project (BEC&HP)
was authorized according to the 1968 Flood Control Act. Modifications
to the BEC&HP project made in 1974 provided the basis
for beach erosion control and hurricane protection along the
In 1997, Coastal Systems International (Coastal Systems)
completed a study of the long-term shoreline and volumetric
changes from 1980 to 1996. Based upon these changes, a regional
sediment budget for the entire shoreline from Port Everglades
in Broward County to Government Cut was established and the
erosional Hot Spot at the 32nd was identified. The area had
been renourished several times since the reconstruction of
the beach in 1980 and had experienced high erosion rates.
In 2000, Coastal Systems conducted an analysis of the 32nd
Street Hot Spot. Following the analysis, shoreline stabilization
consisting of 3 shoreline attached breakwater serving as head-lands
were recommended to reduce the continuing erosion experienced
and stabilize the shoreline. The analysis showed that the
shoreline orientation changes abruptly at the 32nd Street
resulting in high erosion rates. As the beach in this area
eroded at higher rates compared to the adjacent areas, the
nourishment frequency of the area was dictated by the erosion
rates at the 32nd Street. The narrow pre-construction beach
along with the accretional beach further south is illustrated
in Figure 2, which shows the conditions
in 1996.
In July 2002, 3 shore-attached breakwaters were constructed.
The area behind and north of the breakwaters (R-58 to R-60)
was filled with 125,000 cubic yards of material to minimize
down-drift impacts. The sand fill was recycled from the accretional
South Beach area and truck hauled approximately 10,000 feet
to the 32nd Street Project.
The 32nd Street Breakwater Project has been continually monitored
in accordance with regulatory requirements, and preliminary
results indicate an overall satisfactory performance. The
construction of the breakwaters has changed the general shoreline
orientation in the breakwater vicinity, which in turn affects
the sediment transport and the overall sediment budget.
The morphological changes at the breakwaters will be described
in the following sections. In the analysis, a general southern
sediment transport direction is assumed. The direction of
the sediment transport is dictated by the wave direction.
Along the southeast coast of Florida, northeasterly waves
dominate in the winter, while milder southeasterly waves dominate
in the summer. Though the larger winter waves dominate the
overall transport direction, a transport of material towards
the north can be observed during the summer months.
Data and Calculation Method
In the study data from a LIDAR survey and six conventional
monitoring surveys were utilized. As part of the permit requirements
associated with the construction, extensive monitoring has
been conducted. Forty transects were surveyed with approximately
100 feet interval between R-58 and R-62, while only 500 feet
apart between R-57 and R-58. A total of 6 surveys have been
conducted, with the December 2004 2-year post-construction
survey as the latest. The monitoring will continue until October
2006 where the 4-year post-construction survey will be conducted.
The available survey data are summarized in Table
Preceding studies on morphological changes have generally
been based on cross-sectional profiles. The total volume has
subsequently been estimated by the average change of neighboring
profiles multiplied by the length of the section. This method
in general gives satisfactory estimates of volumes, while
the overall morphological changes are more difficult to analyze.
To analyze morphological changes a 3-dimensional surface
was generated for each survey, and the volumetric changes
were calculated by subtracting the surfaces from each other.
The surface generated utilizing the October 2002 (post-construction)
survey served as a baseline for the comparison, and was subtracted
from each of the following surveys to compute the morphological
changes. Figures 3A through 3F illustrate
the morphological changes for each of the surveys from October
2002 to December 2004. In the Figures, the red color indicates
erosion, while the blue indicates accretion.
The following paragraphs discuss the morphological changes
in the breakwater vicinity relative to each survey. While
evaluating Figures 3A through 3F,
an overall southern sediment transport should be considered,
though during the summer months a transport of material towards
the north can be observed.
February 2003 Survey:
At the time of construction the northern breakwater protruded
from the adjacent shoreline. Therefore, during the winter
months when the sediment transport direction is towards the
south, material impounded this area. Figure
3A illustrates this impoundment for the period October
2002 to February 2003. Immediately north of the breakwaters,
accretion is shown as a dark blue area. This accreted area
extended approximately 600 feet north of the structures in
the upper region of the beach profile, thus creating a wider
beach. Further north local erosion and accretion was observed,
but these areas were likely not affected by the breakwaters
at this stage. Immediately seaward of the northern breakwater
some accretion was noted at water depths from 5 feet to 10
feet. This accretion was likely the formation of a near-shore
bar, which was forced seaward by the breakwaters.
Directly south of the breakwaters a small area of erosion
was observed, illustrated as a dark red area. The area covered
approximately 300 feet of shoreline. Sand trapped on the north
side of the structures lead to a reduction in the littoral
transport bypassing the structures. Portion of the erosion
observed south of the breakwaters could likely be attributed
to this bypassing effect.
July 2003 Survey:
At the July 2003 survey the sediment transport direction
reversed towards the north, thus the accretion observed between
R-58 and R-59 shifted to erosion. However, the accretion observed
seaward of the northern breakwater shifted further south to
the middle breakwater. The erosion observed at the February
2003 survey immediately south of the structures decreased,
though increased erosion was experienced close to R-61.
October 2003 Survey:
Based on the October 2003 survey, sand started again to impound
the north area. The erosion observed in July 2003 directly
north of the breakwaters was replaced by minor accretion.
A sand bar began to build up northeast of the northern breakwater
indicating that the area was adjusting to the structures as
some material was bypassed around the breakwaters.
South of the breakwater erosion was observed from R-60 almost
continuously to R-61 as illustrated by an increase in size
of the dark red area.
February 2004 Survey:
The February 2004 survey revealed an extensive sandbar system
forming east and northeast of the northern breakwater as illustrated
in Figure 3D. This new bar serves
as a “sediment bridge” transporting the material
around the breakwaters. The bar system grew significantly
from October 2003 reflected in a larger blue area. Furthermore,
the bar is almost continuously around and south of the breakwaters.
Material continued impounding the area north of the breakwaters
from R-59 to R-56, as was the case at the previously fall
and winter surveys. Specially, the area from R-56 and R-58
accreted significantly.
The eroded area south of the breakwaters increased in size.
At the time of the survey the eroded area was approximately
1,400 feet long and extended almost half way to R-62.
May 2004 Survey:
At the May 2004 survey some of the accreted areas north of
the structures observed at the February 2004 survey decreased
in size. This followed the pattern observed at the July 2003
survey due to a seasonal reverse in the sediment transport
direction towards the north.
Significant erosion was still observed south of the breakwaters
and despite the summer season of the survey the erosion appeared
to have increased.
December 2004 Survey:
At the latest survey in December 2004, the accretion along
the shoreline from R-59 to R-56 continued as the breakwaters
trapped material as illustrated in Figure
3F. Furthermore, the bar system seaward of the breakwaters
observed at the February 2004 survey, increased in size. While
the northern part of the bar system seems to have adjusted,
the southern part appears not to be fully developed, and is
expected to grow further. Offshore of the breakwaters in water
depth of approximately 15 feet, a large area of accretion
was observed. This area was also observed at the May 2004
survey, but was more pronounced at this survey.
South of the breakwaters, the eroded area observed at the
previous surveys continued to increase in size, demonstrated
by the dark red area from R-60 to R-62. This area was approximately
2,000 feet long. The area was nourished in April 2005 with
approximately 35,000 cy of material from upland sources to
offset the observed erosion.
Based on the morphological analysis described in the preceding
paragraphs above, three significant morphological changes
were observed: 1) material impounded in the area north of
the breakwaters, 2) a bar system developed seaward of the
breakwater, and 3) erosion was observed down-drift of the
breakwaters. In the following paragraphs each of these mechanisms
are discussed.
Material Impoundment
At the time of construction, the breakwaters protruded from
the existing shoreline. The impoundment of sand occurs as
the breakwaters trap the sediment transported south. The northern
breakwater serves as an anchor point for the shoreline, and
the impoundment will continue until this area is fully impounded
and stabilized. As this area stabilizes, the amount of material
bypassing the structures will increase. The December 2004
survey indicated that the area from R-59 to R-56, or approximately
3,000 feet of shoreline has benefited from the construction
of the breakwater as material deposited and stabilized the
Nearshore Bar
As material deposits north of the breakwaters and the shoreline
is moved seaward, the near-shore sandbar is moved seaward
as well. The bar system serves as a “sediment bridge”
allowing sediment to bypass. The breakwaters were constructed
generally where the pre-construction sandbar was located.
Therefore, following the construction, a sandbar did not exist
in front of the structures and the bypassing rate was reduced.
As material was transported to this area, it deposited in
front of the breakwaters and a sandbar developed as Figure
3A through 3F illustrates. The bar system is expected
to continue growing further south until connecting with the
existing bar. As the sandbar grows, the amount of material
bypassing the structures will increase, and the erosion observed
south of the breakwater should decrease.
Downdrift Erosion
Due to the accretion north of the breakwaters as well as sediment
depositing in the sandbar, the littoral transport bypassing
the structures will be reduced. Once the northern area is
fully impounded and the bar system is fully developed, the
bypassing rate will increase and the actual long-term down-drift
effects can be determined. Therefore, at this stage it is
premature to define the down-drift effects, as the area has
not adjusted.
Several nourishment projects have
been performed over the years without stabilizing the 32nd
Street area. As the aerial photo from 1996 illustrates in
Figure 2,
the area needed further stabilization. Figure
4 illustrates a photo of the area
in 2004. The difference between the pre- and post conditions
are evident as the beach at and north of the breakwaters are
significantly wider.
The area expected influenced by the breakwaters
extends approximately 5,000 feet north and 3,000 feet south
of the breakwaters. This area lost an average of -19,000 cy/yr
of material for the period 1980-2000, and -38,000cy/yr of
material for the period 1996-2000. For the period October
2003 to December 2004, this same area experienced no net erosion
indicating that area has stabilized. This observation is based
on a short time period, however it is a significant reduction.
Some down-drift erosion was experienced, but this was offset
in April 2005 by placing approximately 35,000 cy of beach
fill. This volume is small compared to the annual pre-construction
erosion rates for the area between -19,000 cy/yr to
-38,000 cy/yr. Furthermore, these down-drift effects
are expected to decrease as the area adjusts and reaches equilibrium.
This adjustment is expected to occur in the next 4 to 5 years.
The monitoring results indicate, the project has performed
well, and has provided much needed stabilization for a highly
erosional area. The ongoing monitoring will continue to provide
valuable project performance data for analysis of this unique
demonstration project. This data can be utilized in the design
of future projects at other coastal locations.
Future nourishment may be required, but the overall erosion
has decreased and the area has become more manageable. Future
nourishment projects should be conducted utilizing sand recycled
from the accretional areas further south by installing a permanent
pipeline. This method will reduce the maintenance cost even
As the sources of offshore beach compatible sand for beach
nourishment are diminishing, hot spot management like the
32nd Street Breakwater Project becomes an increasingly important
component of county-wide beach management as these areas often
dictate the beach nourishment frequency. Managing erosional
hot spots is a method to improve performance of beach nourishment
A study of the morphological changes at 32nd Street Breakwaters
located in Miami-Dade County was conducted. The volumetric
changes were calculated 3-dimensionaly compared to 2-dimensionly
in previous studies. The 3-dimensionally analysis allowed
morphological changes to be analyzed. Based on the analysis,
three significant morphological changes were observed in the
breakwater vicinity: material impounded the area north of
the breakwaters, a bar system developed seaward of the breakwater,
and significant erosion was observed down-drift of the breakwaters.
The analysis indicated that the area is still adjusting to
the structures. It is expected that the impoundment of the
area north of the breakwaters will continue, thus benefiting
an area extending approximately 5,000 feet north of the breakwaters.
The sandbar that developed in front of the breakwaters is
expected to continue to grow until merging with the existing
bar south of the breakwaters. The sandbar serves as a “sediment
bridge” allowing material to bypass the breakwaters,
thus as the sandbar develops, the bypassing rates will increase.
Therefore, the erosion rates experienced south of the breakwaters
is expected to decrease as the region adjusts, which may take
another 4-5 years. The volumetric analysis showed that during
the short period of time, the breakwaters have been installed,
the overall erosion for the area has decreased and provided
much needed stabilization. As a result, the average annual
maintenance costs have been reduced and the area has become
more manageable. The diminishing sources of offshore beach
compatible sand for beach nourishment make hot spot management
like the 32nd Street Breakwater Project an increasingly important
component of county-wide beach management.
Jannek Cederberg, M. Sc.
R. Harvey Sasso, P.E.
Coastal Systems International, Inc.
464 South Dixie Highway
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
Brian Flynn
Miami-Dade County
Department of Environmental Resource Management
33 SW 2nd Avenue,10th Floor
Miami, Florida 33130
Figure 1. Location Map |
Figure 2: Pre-construction Conditions 1996 |
Figure 3a: Morphological Changes at the
32nd Street Breakwaters from Oct. 02 - Feb. 03 |
Figure 3b: Morphological Changes at the
32nd Street Breakwaters from Oct. 02 to July 03 |
Figure 3c: Morphological Changes at
the 32nd Street Breakwaters from Oct. 02 to Oct. 03 |
Figure 3d: Morphological Changes at the
32nd Street Breakwaters from Oct. 02 to Feb. 04 |
Figure 3e: Morphological Changes at the
32nd Street Breakwaters from Oct. 02 - May 04 |
Figure 3f: Morphological Changes at the
32nd Street Breakwaters from Oct. 02 - Dec. 04 |
Figure 4: 2004 Aerial of the 32nd Street
Breakwaters |
Coastal Systems International, Inc., “Dade County
Regional Sediment Budget”, February 1997
Coastal Systems International, Inc., “City of
Miami Beach Erosional Hot Spots”, March 2000
Coastal Systems International, Inc., “Miami-Dade
County - Shoreline Modeling Report”, April
Coastal Systems International, Inc., “Central
Miami Beach Breakwater Project - 2nd Year Monitoring
Report”, July 2005
Coastal Systems International, Inc., “Section
227 - National Shoreline Erosion Control Development
and Demonstration Program, Coastal Processes Analysis:
Dade County and 63rd Street Hot Spot”, September
K. Mangor, “Shoreline Management Guidelines”,
R. G. Dean, “Beach Nourishment”, 2002
J. Fredsoe & R. Deigaard, “Mechanics of Coastal
Sediment Transport”, 1995
R. Silverster and J. R. C. Hsu, “Coastal Stabilization”,
Coastal Planning and Engineering, “Comparison
of 2002 LADS & Fathometer Survey Data, Dade County,
Florida”, 2003
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “Coastal Engineering
Manual,” 2003
Sasso, R.H. and Shah, A.M. (2001). “ Miami Beach
32nd Street Hot Spot: Numerical Modeling and Design
Optimization,” Proceedings 14th Annual National
Conference of Beach Preservation Technology, 2001. |