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FEMA Consultation Variance Authorizations
State Coastal Construction Permits
IL Villagio, Florida

Coastal Systems International, Inc. provided coastal engineering services relative to securing a DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) -CCCL permit for the Il Villaggio condominium project which consists of a 13-story, 127-unit tower with an attached 2-story retail building fronting Ocean Drive. Coastal Systems performed a coastal engineering analysis to assess wave loads associated with a 100-year return period storm and a hydraulic analysis IL Villagio, Floridato assess increased hydraulic forces upon the proposed shearwalls. Consultation and interpretation services were provided to the owners of Il Villaggio in order to ensure that the project remained within FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) AE-Zone guidelines. Under the DEP permit approval, Coastal Systems was able to obtain authorization to locate retail spaces below the wave crest elevation which was previously considered habitable space. Permit application processing and modification were performed in order to secure a final “Notice to Proceed.”

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IL Villagio, Florida

