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FEMA Compliance & Map Revisions
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Cité Condominium, Florida

Coastal Systems International, Inc. provided coastal engineering and environmental permitting consulting services to secure a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for the Cité Project located at 2000 North Bayshore Drive in Miami, Florida. The LOMR is a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) flood zone adjustment, in this case, to lower the existing base flood elevation of the retail building of the Cité from +10 feet NGVD to +8 feet NGVD. The building slabs were constructed below the BFE. As such, the City of Miami (City) had required the existing space be rebuilt in compliance with the BFE, which would cost a considerable amount for the project retro-fit, in addition to the financial hardship that would be incurred as a result of the retail operations being forced to halt.

Coastal Systems calculated the wave forces to evaluate the potential for the seawall and revetment adjacent to the subject area to withstand the FEMA coastal storm event, utilizing the FEMA WHAFIS model. The results of the WHAFIS model enabled justification that wave heights associated with a 100-year storm will be significantly reduced on the Cité retail building due to the presence of the existing seawall and revetment.

Coastal Systems coordinated the coastal engineering analyses and prepared an accompanying report, which was submitted to FEMA along with a LOMR application. FEMA subsequently revised the flood insurance rate map (FIRM) and issued a LOMR for the flood zone adjustment, and saved the tenants of the Cité retail building from financial hardships and enabled conformation with the City and FEMA flood zone designations.

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315 South Gulfview, Florida
Epic Waterfront, Florida
Element, Florida